Sunday, October 21, 2007

All That I Forgot To Blog About Part 2 - Monday Day 2

Quick before I forget, I am trying to have total recall...

You may think blogging is ridiculous and dorky, but where else can you save snapshots of your life instantly and post them for the world to see?


Monday morning I woke up early and wandered down to the gym and worked out. That is, I planned on working out, but I slept in instead and woke up to some starbucks coffee in the starbucks in the lobby and forked over the twenty bucks to connect to the lobby wifi (ridiculously expensive, most hotels around the globe offer free wifi in the lobby as long as you are a guest).

I hung out at Starbucks for about two hours while I waited for my colleagues to meet me and decide what to do in terms of checking out the room for the conference, etc.

Next we had a walk through of the conference area and I had to plan a dry run of the AV equipment later in the day with the resident AV guy. Here is a picture of me from the conference space taken as a still from my video camera built into my Sony Vaio AR:

FW:pic - me the conference live on my va


The walk through went fine, and the managers assured us that all sixty of our guests would have their rooms ready when they checked in.... this was of course not the case, as we found out when half of the guests had to have their rooms moved to the Tropicana hotel for the first night because their was alleged "flood damage" but no one saw any flood damage, and it was probably a pathetic lie.

Either way, I gambled some more in the lobby and ate a glorious dinner over at the Paris with my work group and then awaited Jen's arrival at 1030pm.

Stay tuned for Tuesday, the first day of the conference....

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